Friday, October 23, 2009

A Little History of Hypnosis

Hi. I’m C.J. Savage, a certified Hypnotherapist since 1991, a past Mental Health Specialist for the State of IL, for the Depart of Mental Health where I resigned to work full time in hypnotherapy, offering my expertise to small and large groups across the U.S., with exceptional success, to help people become healthier and happier, living life more abundantly We’re going to go over a little history of hypnosis. Hypnosis isn’t anything new. The first known written record of the use of hypnosis is found in the Old Testament Book of Genesis 2:21- 22, “so the Lord God caused a Deep Sleep to fall upon man, and while he slept, took one of the ribs and closed up its place of flesh…” God used hypnosis so that Adam felt no pain during the removal of his rib. The Bible speaks of hypnosis more than a 1000 times,